Archive | June 2015

Dance For How You Feel Inside…..

mic and Jen fix you 8                    When my soul is hurting, dance makes me feel better.
When I am overwhelmed, dance helps me forget for a while.
When I face struggles, dance inspires me to keep going.
When I lose confidence, dance gives it back to me.
I have been given one of the greatest gifts in the world – dance!
~Author Unknown~

Dance is a physical outlet where the dancer, can express themselves each time they step onto the dance room. When the music starts, their inner most being begins to move rhythmically. Their thoughts of the day diminish and their true heart felt feelings emerge.

In the dance room, as the first chords play for the beginning barre work or warm up, the dancer automatically recalls the choreography that has been drilled into their brain. It suddenly becomes second nature and the thoughts and troubles that filled their mind before they walked into the dance room have vanished, only to be exchanged with the music and choreography that is set before them. As the class continues to the center floor work with adagio choreography, concentration becomes of the utmost importance. Then the quickness of the allegro and across the floor work brings the emotion of joy and excitement, as leaps and jumps cause the dancers to use all the energy they have left to produce beautiful images in the mirror. The cares of the outside world is gone, only the music and their movement remain.

With thoughts focused, the dancer feels the music. Their emotions change with each different exercise or piece of choreography that is taught and practiced. The music and the steps take over take their normal everyday routine frame of mind and they enter a different world. A world in which they find comfort and peace. A world in which the dancers can become themselves. They have reached a place where everything in the world is….. ok.

What better activity can their be for a child? What better after school activity is there where a child can find release, focus, discipline, and possibly a future career. Dance is it! It is physically demanding, so it is good for the body, but it is also creative. Sports is no way a comparison. Sports is physically challenging but by no means creative. Creativity is so important for a child as well as an adult. It brings forth the true person.

When you are happy, dance. When you are sad, dance, you will instantly feel better. Dance is a release of emotion and stress.
Dance for how you feel inside…….